New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography

There’s always a sense of adventure in exploring the unknown, with every turn of the road paving way to new sights. Being our very first time in New Zealand (and for Edwin and Ling too), we are really thankful for their trust and spirit in exploring the unbeaten paths with us, doing their adventure pre wedding photography sessions at planned and unplanned locations! There were so much to be loved on this trip – from walking alongside snow-capped mountains, feeling the glacier winds, chasing the winter sun, to an exciting heli ride up a mountain top!

It was truly a humbling adventure down south with these two, witnessing first hand their quiet and unspoken love for each other. They are both very independent individuals with vastly different personalities and interests – Edwin being the pragmatic and down to earth one, while Ling is more spontaneous and bubbly! Beneath these differences, which in Ling’s word “makes life less staid”, they do find a familiar sense of comfort in each other’s company, anchored in their shared ideals and values.

To be a pillar of support for each other through life’s challenges, to us, is essentially love in its simplest form. And it certainly warms our heart to have witnessed a glimpse of it.

New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography New Zealand Pre Wedding Photography


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