Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography

Ahhhh, the bubbly and cheerful selves of these two are just so infectious! There were just so much energy and positive vibes oozing out from them and their loved ones, from the morning preparation till their wedding celebration at Saint Andrew’s Cathedral.

“It activates, it elevates, accelerates and more; 
You’re bouncing off the ceiling like you never did before;
The whoop-de-dooper loop-de-looper-ali-ooper bounce”

Haha, don’t ask us why, but the lyrics of Tigger’s bouncing song just came out of the blue, and seemed to sum it all!

Wedding Venue: Saint Andrew’s Cathedral
Wedding Gown: Luna Pom Pom
Makeup and Hair: Vicky Ang

Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral Singapore Wedding Photography Saint Andrews Cathedral 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