Ivan + Janice // Keppel Club Wedding
Ivan and Janice are one of the most easy-going couple, and like us, they are both small business owner, and do every aspect of life together. They opted for a simple and intimate wedding celebration for folks close to their hearts. We like how one’s passion, when infused with sound and strong foundation, can eventually become integrated into one’s lifestyle. This path is definitely not the easiest, and especially so if its a couple team. There will be tensions and frustrations at times, and it takes mutual effort to ease them off. These are the setbacks that help us grow, and bond us stronger than before.
We started the day at Janice’s family home. Her family home was so full of personality; the most obvious being her mum’s knack for upcycled crafts seen throughout the house, and even the garden! We love visiting homes, and documenting moments in it, for it reveals so much about the people living in it. There is just so much history and character, and we can’t be more trigger happy! We love documenting these details as it go a long way in paving way for good story telling and memories.